Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blog Report

The No. 1 rule of blogging is to do it consistently and often. The No. 1 danger is starting off full of energy and enthusiasm and then slacking off, like dieting or piano lessons.

I’m still in the experimental stage with Experiment in Terror, although I’m learning how to do the basic stuff so I can move off that soon. Right now I’m rewriting the first FOXE story I ever wrote (at least in this century), but that’s kind of a dodge that I’m using to avoid the mind-numbing terror surrounding the prospect of actually trying to publicize my blog and attract new people. People who aren’t my beloved Facebook friends! Who might not automatically like me! I might get *gasp* criticized! Oh the humanity!

So one day pretty soon I’m going to screw my courage to the sticking place, use my real name, and launch a blog for real, using all the information I’ve been collecting (but haven’t really read yet) about publicizing a blog, and actually try to gain a readership beyond my list of Facebook friends.

It’ll be scary. That’s why I’m sharing it with you now, because if I can talk about the fear now, the real thing may just be less threatening. My father used to tell me not to cross a bridge until you come to it, which is good advice. But I also think that thinking about how you’re going to get across the bridge once you get there is a big help in taking that first step over the water.

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